Astronaut Stories

- Capsule 1997 (steel sculpture containing papers, vinyl wall text) Ê A sealed steel capsule containing a copy of the 700 page Apollo 11 lunar mission commentary and is attached to the wall by means of a steel bracket. Accompanying vinyl wall lettering reads"7/16/69 CDT 7:02 - 7/24/69 CDT 2:10", the dates and times of the full mission flight log. This capsule is intended for eventual underground storage.

- Enactment (leaving the lunar surface) I 1997 (portable CD player, mini-amp, two speakers with wall fittings) An installed CD piece consisting of two amateur actors "recreating" part of the Apollo 11 lunar mission over the telephone. ÊThe piece is installed on two corner walls with two small speakers mounted approximately 2 ft from the corner.

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