20 one-minute films and animations, based on Stanley Kubrick's 2001:A Space Odyssey, originally shown at 20:01, on January 20, 2001. Compiled by 360 arts.

360 arts are sponsored by sell out pictures.

the full line up: david noonan & simon trevaks, tatsuya kitamoto, underpendent films (tim drage & tony mines), ricardo iacono, stephan larson, lee o'connor, the union advertising agency, chris wilson, peter smiths, simon richardson, sandy nelson, nick smith & doug park, pete bryden & mitch bligh (sponsored by film & tv services, london), tom tilleard-haines, andrew hawkes, lucy kaya & iain pate, scott tait, and andy miller, elizabeth birch & jennifer small.

this project presents twenty works of film and animation based on kubrick's vision, as response to and comment upon the many themes the film raises. it is a visual realisation of a point in time: a cinematic pause to reflect our arrival at the era clarke and kubrick portrayed.ÊÊ

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