"Eigg rosette" by Gair Dunlop

Two projects with young people on the island of Eigg and in Oban on the theme of the natural environment. Made as part of the Scottish Natural Heritage
young peoples'art project. The Eigg project exists as an interactive CD which combines maps, short film clips, beach sculptures scans and interviews.The result is a
mapping of the is;land in experiential terms. The Oban project is a short film made with the Princes Trust boys group in Oban, which combines different meanings
of the sea: scientific, ecological, touristic and economic.

SNH overview of the projects: link here
Eigg project: link here
Oban project: link here
Map with other SNH projects

These projects have been released on DVD with the rest of the SNH projects. Also exhibited at the CCA in Glasgow in June 2002.
For more information contact SNH.

The themes of working with new media in remote environments are discussed in a series of online publications at Liquid Geographies.
This is a discussion seminar linking artists and civil organisations in debate oninnovative use of new technologies in community contexts.
My piece, "Keep focus," relates the romanticism expected of the Scottish journey to ways in which self-image and self-determination may change as
media production becomes more fluid.

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