Atom Town: artworks and writing about people places and technology by Gair Dunlop

A Commission for the DNA50 anniversary from the Wellcome Trust, this project travelled to Leiden, Haaselt, Gothenburg, and Edinburgh from its original venue: the Biographical Room in the Wellcome Trust Library, Euston Road London. Video from the 1960 Seattle Worlds fair showing a spectacularised set of DNA models was juxtaposed with a rolodex card file which combined fragments from media sources during March 1953 with extracts from the writings and talks of Professor Maurice Wilkins. Wilkins was the quiet and reserved DNA pioneer, whose moral sense led to his key role in the foundation of the BSSRS (British Society for Social Responsibility in Science). In addition, an editioned flickbook using elements from the film was freely available from the library desk. The installation evolved in different venues, with two facing video elements:

Century 21: science and you        Century 21 calling Maurice Wilkins